Who we are.
Polymath Physicians was founded with a singular question in mind–what happens when you bring together the top medical minds of our time?
Based in Boston, our goal is to facilitate high-yield discoveries and collaborations by creating a haven for medical professionals to work with each other as well as AI.
Rubin Gruber
Rubin is a visionary serial entrepreneur who has been working in pioneering telecom technology since its inception. After fifty years of entrepreneurship in the building and telecom infrastructure space, such as building the first voice-over-internet protocol, he brings invaluable experience of building network solutions that people don’t even know they need, until they do.
Rubin is currently Board Chair of Metrika, a company whose mission is to build trust in blockchain operations. Rubin spends a considerable amount of time mentoring FAU students.
William Edward Hahn, PhD
As a tenured professor at FAU, William has been at the cutting edge of human-AI innovation for over a decade, since co-founding the Machine Perception Cognitive Robotics Lab. He earned his master’s degree in mathematics and computer science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and in 2016 earned his doctorate degree at Florida Atlantic University.
Hahn is also the director of the Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences, which is dedicated to understanding the principles and mechanisms that underlie complex behavior. With a background in mathematics and physics, Hahn researches medical imaging, neural networks, and deep learning.
Addy Cha
Addy is driven to solve aging and improve biological health. As a neuroscience undergrad and founder of ekkolápto, he runs one of the fastest-growing communities of interdisciplinary researchers, students, and entrepreneurs.
Organized in only two weeks, Addy successfully ran the first ever Longevity, Unconventional Computing, and Cognitive Research Hackathon at MIT Media Lab with top speakers like Stephen Wolfram, Manolis Kellis, David Sinclair, Vadim Gladyshev, Nick Norwitz, Joscha Bach, and many more.
His research is centered on the fundamental connection between language and perception, and how frameworks between these fields can elucidate larger questions in cognition and biology through developing theories on diverse and collective intelligence.